ISPACS2016 in Oct. 2016@Phuket, Thailand

Call for Papers
2016 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and
Communication Systems (ISPACS 2016), 24-27 October 2016.

Phuket Graceland Resort & Spa, Patong, Phuket, Thailand
Web Site:

The 2016 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS 2016) will take place at Phuket Graceland Resort & Spa, Patong, Phuket, Thailand during 24-27 October 2016.

ISPACS 2016 is co-organized by Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand and the Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology Association (ECTI), Thailand. The conference is technically Co-Sponsored by IEEE Society, IEEE Thailand Chapter, IEEE Circuit and System Society (CASS), and Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE), Japan. The conference proceedings will be included in the IEEEXploreR digital library.

Prospective authors are invited to submit papers reflecting original, unpublished work in these fields. Papers should not exceed 6 pages including results, figures and references. Manuscript templates will be made available on the website. All submissions will be subjected to a double-blind review procedure. The proceedings of accepted papers will be made available at the conference. Best paper awards will be given to outstanding contributions and recognized as such at the conference. Only electronic submissions with PDF/MS Word files will be accepted via the conference website.

We hope that you will plan to join us in Phuket in October 2016.

ISPACS2016 website

★Call for Papers

Important Dates
  • Deadline for Submission of Special Session Proposals: 30 April 2016
  • Deadline for Submission of Full Papers: 15 June 2016
  • Acceptance Notification: 15 August 2016
  • Deadline for Submission of Camera-ready Manuscripts: 10 September 2016

2016 International Workshop on Smart Info-Media Systems in Asia (SISA 2016) in Sept. 2016@Ayuttaya City, Thailand

SISA2016 Call for Papers

Important dates:

Deadline for special session proposal: April 29, 2016.
Deadline for submission of 6-page Full-paper:
May 20, 2016. June 3, 2016 (EXTENDED).
Notification of Acceptance: July 11, 2016.
Deadline for Submission of Camera Ready paper: August 12, 2016.

SISA2016 Official Website

ITC-CSCC2016 in July 2016@Jichikaikan, Naha, Okinawa

Call for papers

The 31st International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC 2016) will be held on July 10-13 at Okinawa Jichikaikan in Naha, Okinawa, Japan. ITC-CSCC 2016 scope spans areas of Circuit Design, System Designs, Computer Systems and Communication Networks. The conference is open to researchers from all regions of the world; participation from Asia Pacific region is particularly encouraged.

ITC-CSCC2016 Official Site

Important Due Dates and Author’s Schedule

Proposals for Special/Tutorial Sessions: March 21, 2016
Deadline for Submission of Abstract: March 31, 2016
Notification of Acceptance: May 10, 2016
Deadline for Submission of Camera Ready Papers: May 25, 2016
Conference Dates: July 10-13, 2016

BMSB 2016 in June 2016@Nara, JAPAN

11th International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB 2016), 1-3 June 2016, Nara, JAPAN.

The International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB 2016) is a premier forum for the presentation and exchange of technical advances in the rapidly converging areas of multimedia broadcasting, telecommunications, consumer electronics, and networking technologies. The symposium will be held at a historic city of Nara, 1300-year-old ancient capital of Japan.

BMSB2016 First Call for Papers WebSite
Important Dates:
  • Paper Submission: 15 December 2015
  • Acceptance Notification: 15 February 2016
  • Submission of Camera Ready Paper: 15 March 2016

Engineering Sciences Society, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers